GIRAF, or the Giant Incandescent Resonating Animation Festival (est 2005), is an annual animation festival that runs each November at the Plaza Theatre in Calgary. GIRAF celebrates the spirit of independent, underground, and experimental animation, showcasing Canadian animators and presenting diverse animations from around the globe.
More information at: We’ve showcased the award winning independent work of artists including Don Hertzfeldt, David O’Reilly, The Brothers Quay, Wendy Tilby and Amanda Forbis, Malcolm Sutherland, Koji Yamamura, Bruce Bickford, Brandon Bloomaert, Barry Doupe, Cordell Barker, Richard Reeves, Chad Van Gaalan, Mati Kutt, Jan Svankmajer, Priit Parn, Nick Fox-Gieg, Amy Lockhart, Stu Hughes, Madi Piller, and Cam Christiansen, among many others.
GIRAF is committed to gaining greater awareness for animation as an art form, through 5 days of interactive activities including workshops, artist talks, visiting artists, and animation screenings. In 2010, our festival showcased over 80 animations from around the world. We focus on presenting works that push boundaries through the development of new techniques, hybrid forms of creation, and challenging subject matter, and thus animation that is rarely seen at other festivals. GIRAF’s parent organization is Quickdraw Animation Society, a non-profit, artist-run centre in Calgary Alberta.