Rebound Fund

EAR is pleased to announce a new fund called the REBOUND FUND available to Calgary-based individual professional artists in any discipline who are facing extraordinary health, social, or financial crises. Application Guidelines and Forms are available on the EAR WEBSITE.

Following the June 2013 flood in Calgary, Alberta Arts Flood Rebuild, an ad-hoc team of Alberta funding agencies, raised funds and distributed financial awards to individual artists and arts organizations. Besides the many recipients helped through the fund, an ongoing legacy fund was created.

Elephant Artist Relief (EAR) was invited by Alberta Arts Rebuild to take on the administration of this new fund; EAR is proud to fill this role.

In addition to helping visual artists with emergency funding for over 7 years, EAR played a significant role in the early response to the flood with its own special flood emergency funding for artists, and became part of the umbrella Arts Rebuild team. The new REBOUND FUND carries that important work forward to assist this city’s dedicated artists in all disciplines who make Calgary such a vibrant arts community.

Elephant Artist Relief Society (EAR) is a registered charity that provides practical resources to Calgary artists in order to help sustain their well-being and livelihood, contributing to a vibrant cultural community.

Under the tag line “Helping Artist BE Artists in Calgary,” EAR envisions a healthy arts community ensuring a continued and rich cultural landscape for us all.

For more information or assistance, EMAIL us at

Watch for: EAR’s next big event, Umbrella Visual Arts Conference (2) on Saturday, May 2, 2015… more info SOON!