And it’s time for a new podcast episode! This month we bring you Deborah Carruthers, with Sydney Lancaster, to talk copyright.This is a live recording of a talk we held in early May at TRUCK Contemporary Art in Calgary, so don’t keep hitting yourself for missing it! It’s right here. Take notes and learn how the slippery business of copyright applies to you as an artist.
This is Deborah’s second appearance on the podcast during a live talk and for good reason. Her experience in the field of cultural policy is extensive and this on top of a thriving personal art practice as well. And Sydney Lancaster, our current president, has been a advocate for artists rights in Alberta and Canada for years and years and we were so happy to have her here to offer her support and advice. Thanks for them both for coming from Quebec and Edmonton respectively for this talk!
As a bit of a liner note, I think it’s important to highlight a recurring theme for artists asking about copyright: YOU NEED TO GET A CONTRACT! As an organization dedicated to fighting for artists rights and the socio-economic wellbeing of arts and culture workers of all stripes, there is still very little we can do in specific copyright situations if there is no contract to speak of. Student artists, self-taught artists, established artists, emerging artists, curators and gallerists, community organizers: GET A CONTRACT!
For more information about copyright, visit Copyright Visual Arts here:
This episode was recorded and edited by Graeme Dearden at TRUCK Contemporary Art (
Intro music: “Outsider’s Paradox” by springtide (, accessed through Free Music Archive.