Artwork by Samantha McLeod

Artwork by Samantha McLeod

Our Mission: CARFAC Alberta advances best practices for all visual artists in Alberta through education, advocacy and engagement.

Our Vision: CARFAC Alberta envisions a province where all visual artists thrive: artwork is valued, rights are respected, and creativity is integral to our communities.

As a provincial  arts service organization and your CARFAC affiliate, we provide:

  • Information about how to become more professional in your art practice
  • Information and advisory notes for artists
  • Information about copyright and how to exhibit outside Canada
  • Access to all CARFAC services including the fee schedule
  • Advocacy on issues affecting the arts and culture sector
  • Professional development workshops and webinars for artists
  • Health insurance plan for artists
  • Studio Insurance for artists (discount offered to members)
  • Links to member websites
  • Opportunities for emerging and marginalized artists

 We engage you through :

  • Weekly E-Newsletter
  • Website: with information about Alberta’s visual arts community
  • Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Linked-in, Instagram)
  • Office in Edmonton, open 3 days per week

 We offer:

  • Informal mentorship for artists
  • Opportunities to network socially

 How do you become a member of CARFAC Alberta?

The cost for membership for an individual member of the CARFAC Alberta is $60.00. Discounts are available for students, seniors as detailed on the membership form available below.

CARFAC Alberta Membership Form

CARFAC Alberta Office 
3rd Floor, Harcourt House Arts Centre
10215 112 Street, Edmonton, AB T5K 1M7
780.421.1731 | | Toll-Free 1-866.421.1731

CARFAC Alberta acknowledges support from the Alberta Foundation for the Arts, the Edmonton Arts Council and the City of Edmonton.