Serving Visual Artists in Alberta

Online All-Access Webinar | Arts and Culture + Truth and Reconciliation with Becca Taylor, Olivia Kristoff, Theresie Tungilik

Online All-Access Webinar | Arts and Culture + Truth and Reconciliation with Becca Taylor, Olivia Kristoff, Theresie Tungilik

13oct6:30 pm8:00 pmOnline All-Access Webinar | Arts and Culture + Truth and Reconciliation with Becca Taylor, Olivia Kristoff, Theresie Tungilik

Event Details

A panel discussion on Zoom

Wednesday October 13, 2021 6:30pm – 8:00pm (CST + MDT)

free to all CARFAC Members, $25.00 for non-members

Register on Eventbrite by October 13 @ 11am


Becca Taylor: artist + curator + Executive Director at Ociciwan Contemporary Art Centre, Edmonton
Olivia Kristoff: arts writer + Curator at WANUSKEWIN, Saskatchewan
Theresie Tungilik: artist + activist + Advisor for Arts, Government of Nunavut, Rankin Inlet


Chris W. Carson: Executive Director at CARFAC Alberta + Wendy Nelson: Executive Director at CARFAC Saskatchewan

It will be six years since the TRC Calls to Action were published. And while there is no mention of the arts and very little about culture, individual artists and arts and culture organizations have embraced the call for reconciliation, and maybe more recently, truth. How do you see these efforts? Has anything in the arts and culture sector changed? For the better or not? What would you like to see happen now, next steps?

Each panelist will talk for ten to fifteen minute expanding on where they see the arts and culture sector today. There will be discourse between the panelists, questions from the moderators and the virtual audience for the second part of this panel.


October 13, 2021 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm(GMT+00:00)


All Access Webinar

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CARFAC Alberta

Our mission is to promote the visual arts in Alberta and help Alberta artists become more professional in their practice. We are a communication hub between members of the visual arts community and the general public. We advocate for and serve Alberta’s visual artists.

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